Thursday 10.01.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Front Squat/Back Squat @ 65% of Max Front Squat 4 sets of {7 FS, rest 20-40 seconds, 13 BS} WOD: 50 WBS 20/14 50 Dumbell Snatches 70/50 50 Pistols or 100 Air Squats 50 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (20min Time Cap) HAPPY...

Wednesday 09.30.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Handstand walk practice WOD: 5RFT 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Power Cleans 115/75 10 Front-rack Lunges 115/75 200m run HAPPY WODDING!!!

Tuesday 09.29.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Front Squat 1RM WOD: EMOM 15 1. Thrusters 85/55 2. Burpees 3. Double Unders Aim for a minute of continuous work  rather then burning out and having to rest. Minute one do Thruster. Next minute Burpees. Next minute Double Unders. Then back to...

Monday 09.28.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Muscle-up transition practice WOD: 100 Pull-up EMOM 10 Goblet Squats HAPPY WODDING!!

Friday 09.25.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Review Snatches and Cleans At 60-70% of 1RM 3 sets: 3 position Squat Snatches: 2 reps at each position (2 power, 2 hang, 2 full) 3 sets: 3 position Squat Cleans (2 power, 2 hang, 2 full) *Goal should be to get all 6 reps in one set unbroken. If...