Friday 06.01.18

EMOM 5 2 Snatches Pulls EMOM 5 2 Snatches Partner WOD AMRAP 19 1000m Row 50 KBS 50 Slam Balls 50 Sit-ups 50 Weighted Step-ups 35/20 HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan Skaggs

Thursday 05.31.18

Push Jerk 3-3-3-3 60 C&J 135/95 4 Burpees on the top of every minute starting at 0. HAPPY WODDING!!

Friday 05.25.18

GHD Sit-ups with wall ball 10-10-10 HSPU practice With a single DB 50/35 50 HSPU 50 T2B 50 cal Bike or Row 50 Box Step-overs with DB 20 OH Lunges (right arm) 20 OH Lunges (left arm) HAPPY WODDING!!

Wednesday 05.23.18

Snatch practice 2 rounds: 10 Snatches 135/95 12 Burpees 2 rounds: 10 Snatches 115/85 12 Burpees HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan Skaggs