Inside the Mind of an Over Thinker

Quite a few people have told me that I think too much.  I over analyze and over strategize in everything I do.  I do this at work while planning and I do it at home with I play games with my kids. This over analyzation creeps its way into CrossFit mostly because there...

CrossFit Class Prejudices

CrossFit boxes have many different time that classes are available but there is often a distinct difference between the athletes that attend during the various times.  This is something that all CrossFit coaches know (or should know) and it will be apparent if you...

General WOD Thoughts

Thoughts on “Rx”ing the WOD The beautiful thing about CrossFit is that everything is scalable.  For a beginner the WOD(triplet) above could be: 80 SU 10 FS @ 35/45# from the rack 10 ring rows and it would still preserve the intended stimuli of the...