Workout of the Day

Competition Nutrition
So, you signed up for a CrossFit competition. First of all, congratulations. You are going to have a blast. I'm sure you have been setting goals, working hard on the movements that you know will be in the competition and you have been training hard in general but...
Friday 08.10.18
Jason For time: 100 Squats 5 Muscle-ups 75 Squats 10 Muscle-ups 50 Squats 15 Muscle-ups 25 Squats 20 Muscle-ups Cash out: Dead Bugs S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007. We name this...
Thursday 08.09.18
Strict Press 2-2-2-2 5RFT 10 Front-rack Walking Lunges 50/35 DB 15 DB Hang C&J 20 Sit-ups F2F run HAPPY WODDING!!
Wednesday 08.08.18
Weighted Pull-ups 2-2-2-2 Snatch practice 4 RFT 50 DU 10 Squat Snatches 115/85 RX+ 135/95 HAPPY WODDING!!
Tuesday 08.07.18
Back Squat 2-2-2-2 21-15-9 Rower Calories Tower-facing Burpees HSPU RX+ Bike Cals & Target Burpees HAPPY WODDING!!
Monday 08.06.18
Pull-up/Muscle-up practice 95/65 50 Pull-ups 40 HPC 30 Front Squats 20 T2B 10 Snatches 3 Burpees EMOM (starting at 0:00) RX+ add 20lbs and 1 Burpee. Cash out: 5-5-5-5-5 BW Ring Dips HAPPY WODDING! Photo: Morgan Skaggs
Thursday 08.02.18
Strict Press 3-3-3-3 3RFT 7 Thrusters 7 Burpees 50 cal row 3RFT 7 Thrusters 7 Burpees 50 cal row 3RFT 7 Thrusters 7 Burpees 75/55 Rx+ 95/65 and assault bike HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan Skaggs
Wednesday 08.01.18
Weighted Pull-ups 3-3-3-3 Find 1RM Snatch 21-15-9 Power Snatch SDHP Pull-ups 95/65 HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan Skaggs
Tuesday 07.31.18
Back Squat 3-3-3-3 5RFT 5 DB Snatches (right arm) 5 DB Snatches (left arm) 5 DB Thrusters F2F Sprint HAPPY WODDING!!
Monday 07.30.18
Limoncello 5RFT 200m run 25 Sit-ups 20 Box Jumps 15 KBS 10 C&J 95/65 Rx+ start and end with a shot of limoncello HAPPY WODDING!!