by Josh Palmieri | Sep 5, 2018 | Blog
So, you signed up for a CrossFit competition. First of all, congratulations. You are going to have a blast. I’m sure you have been setting goals, working hard on the movements that you know will be in the competition and you have been training hard in general...
by Josh Palmieri | Jul 9, 2018 | Blog
Is competition for everyone? Short answer: Yes For the longer answer read on… Competition We are all competitors. Even your own conception was a competition. You won the race to the egg and as a result, you were born. Your first act as a cellular life form was to...
by Josh Palmieri | Jul 1, 2018 | Blog
Quite a few people have told me that I think too much. I over analyze and over strategize in everything I do. I do this at work while planning and I do it at home with I play games with my kids. This over analyzation creeps its way into CrossFit mostly because there...
by Josh Palmieri | Jun 25, 2018 | Blog
CrossFit boxes have many different time that classes are available but there is often a distinct difference between the athletes that attend during the various times. This is something that all CrossFit coaches know (or should know) and it will be apparent if you...
by Josh Palmieri | Jun 18, 2018 | Blog
How many times have you set a goal and failed to reach it? Your ultimate goal of (insert awesome goal here) is set and you go on your merry way, trying your best to reach that long term goal. You have all the motivation in the world and you want...
by Josh Palmieri | Jun 11, 2018 | Blog
“There is more opportunity to improve your fitness, to improve the likelihood of you surviving combat and completing your mission in pursuing headlong that thing you don’t want to see come out of the hopper than you will find benefit in pursuing further that...
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