
3 sets at an easy pace

a) 8 Romanian Deadlifts @ 30X1 Tempo
b) 8 Thrusters, pause @ bottom
c) 6-8 strict Pull-ups

  • RDL: 30X1 = Three second eccentric, no pause, accelerate up, take a breath before next rep.
  • Start light and build, but only a little. No need to exceed 95#/65#.
  • Thruster: Same load as RDL.


500m row
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 225/135
50 Double Unders
15 Thrusters 135/85
50 Burpees
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65

Extra Work/Cash Out:

Max Effort Dips x 3


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