Wednesday 04.05.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Turkish Get-up 2-2-2 (each arm) WOD: Bradley-ish 10 RFT Fence to Fence Sprint 10 Pull-ups 10 Burpees Rest 30 seconds U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24, of Troy, Illinois, assigned to the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron,...


Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Push Press 3-3-3 WOD: 30 Front Squats 115/75 400m Run 30 Burpees 400m Run 30 Front Squats HAPPY WODDING!!

Wednesday 03.29.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Rope Climb review Partner WOD: 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots Slam Balls Burpees *2 Rope Climbs each after every round HAPPY WODDING!!

Wednesday 03.22.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Shoulder to Overhead Cycling 5 sets of 5 WOD: 5RFT 15 KBS 10 Burpees 5 Squat Cleans HAPPY WODDING!!