Friday 09.22.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Weighted Strict Pull up 3-3-3-3 WOD: “Gotta Look Good for the Weekend” 8RFT 400m run 10 G2OH with plate 45/25 10 Hollow Rocks 30 min time cap HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan...

Thursday 09.21.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: OHS 3-3-3-3 WOD: “Ragnarok” 15 min time cap 40 cal Row 20 WBS 20 DB Snatches 30 cal Row 20 WBS 20 DB Snatches 20 cal Row 20 WBS 20 DB Snatches 10 cal Row HAPPY...

Wednesday 09.20.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: EMOM 10 Power Clean + Push Press + Back Squat WOD: “Calves of Steel” AMRAP 13 25 DU 15 Lateral Box Jump Overs F2F Sprint HAPPY WODDING! Photo: Morgan Skaggs

Tuesday 09.19.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Bench or Floor Press 3-3-3-3 Partner WOD: “Bro Sesh” 4RFT 20 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 20 Pull-ups 10 HSPU HAPPY WODDING!!

Monday 09.18.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: EMOM10 2 hang Squat Snatches WOD: “BK Lounge” In any order you want. Break up as necessary. Have it your way. 50 Deadlifts 135/95 50 Push-ups 50 V-ups 1 mile run HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan...