Friday 12.01.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: 7 minute Max F2F Farmers Carry. 50/35 each hand. Walking only. WOD: AMRAP 19 4 Person Teams 40 Plate G2OH 45/25 80 Slam Balls 20/15 160 Single Unders 200m run (everyone) One works, two rest, one holds plank. HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan...

Thursday 11.30.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Push Jerk 1-1-1-1 WOD: Swole 2RFT 135/95 10 Clusters 20 Sumo Deadlifts 30 Sit-ups with Wall Ball 20/14 HAPPY WODDING!!

Wednesday 11.29.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: EMOM10 3 TNG Power Snatches 3 V-ups Partner WOD: Dinamite 3RFT 1000m row (each) One person rows while the other one does 20 Burpees and then 30 Jumping Lunges. After the Burpees and Lunges you can rest until your partner is done Rowing. Rounds...

Tuesday 11.28.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Front Squats 1-1-1-1 WOD: Return of the Crippler AMRAP 12 25 DU 10 Back Squats 95/65 5 S2OH 95/65 HAPPY WODDING!! Photo: Morgan Skaggs

Monday 11.27.17

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Accessorize Yourself 6.0 4RNFT 3-8 GHD Sit-ups 10 Weighted Calf Raises 5 Dumbbell Curls (each arm) WOD: No Vest Half Murph 800m run 50 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 150 Air Squats 800m run HAPPY...