Friday 02.13.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: TBD WOD: William Blake Marston died during a Navy Seal training exercise on Saturday, January 10th, at the age of 31. He was a member of CrossFit Rife. “Marston” 20 min AMRAP 1 Deadlift 405/285 10 Toes 2 bar 15 Barbell facing...

Thursday 02.12.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: OHS, build to heavy singles WOD: Row 1000 Meters 20 Handstand Push-Ups 30 Overhead Squat 115/83 40 Pull-Ups 50 Double-Unders HAPPY WODDING!!

Wednesday 02.11.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Build to heavy Squat Clean Thruster, plus 2 more Thrusters WOD: FGB style intervals 4 rounds (1 minute rest between rounds) Kipping Jumping Pull-ups Hang Squat Cleans 95/65 Overhead Lunges 45/25 Push Press 95/65 HAPPY...

Tuesday 02.10.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: EMOM 9 Top :30 6 burpees Bottom :30 6 kbs WOD: 3 RFT 20 WBS 20 T2B HAPPY WODDING!!

Monday 02.09.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: 5×5 Weighted Good Mornings WOD: Almost Garrett 3 RFT 75 Squats 25 HSPU 25 Pull-ups HAPPY WODDING!!