Thursday 09.24.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Group stretch (10 min) *Shoulders, forearms, legs WOD: AMRAP 5 30 Double Unders {or 30 Singles} 15 Sit-ups {or 7 GHD} -rest 2 min- AMRAP 5 5 HSPU 5 T2B -rest 2 min- AMRAMP 5 10 KBS 10 Air Squats -rest 2 min- AMRAP 5 10 Burpees 5 Dips HAPPY...

Wednesday 09.23.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: 4 sets of FS/BS 4/8 70-80% of Front Squat max 15-30 seconds of rest from Front Squat to Back Squat. This should be heavy and exhausting WOD: 800m run 50 Sit-ups {or 30 GHD Sit-ups} 600m run 40 Burpees {preferably with a target } 400m run 30...

Monday 03.30.15

Well, The Open has ended and it’s back to your regularly scheduled program. Did you all succeed as well as you’d hoped? I know there were a lot of PR’s out there. Awesome job to all of you! Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Back Squat, 1RM WOD: AMRAP 12 10...

Thursday 03.26.15

Last week of the CrossFit Open. What’s it going to beee??? Announcement tonight at 8pm on the Games site. 🙂 Skill/Strength/Buy-in: {Fundamentals} Deadlift review – work to heavy triples {Advanced} Renegade Man-makers 8×3 (1minute rest between sets)...

Monday 03.23.15

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: 5×2 OHS WOD: 20 Burpees 30 HSPU 40 KBS 50 Sit-ups 60 Air Squats 70 Double Unders HAPPY WODDING!!