Thursday 12.22.16

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Kipping / Muscle-up practice WOD: 7 Rounds of Cindy 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats then AMRAP 7 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 135/95 10 Push Presses 135/95 HAPPY...

Tuesday 12.13.16

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: For least amount of sets 100 Wall Ball Shots WOD: 4 RFT 20 Russian Twists 30 KBS 40 Squats 50 Double Unders HAPPY WODDING!!

Tuesday 12.06.16

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Back Squat find heaviest triple for the day WOD: Max Rounds, 12 minute time cap 1 T2B 2 Push-ups 3 Squats Add 1 rep to all movements each successive round, continue until failure, then start back at 1-2-3 HAPPY...

Tuesday 11.28.16

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Kipping/Muscle-up practice WOD: 2 RFT 50 Squats 40 Sit-ups 30 Push-ups 20 Box Jumps 10 Dips 5 Muscle-ups (or 20 pull ups) HAPPY WODDING!

Friday 11.04.16

Skill/Strength/Buy-in: Push Press Build to a heavy triple for the day WOD: AMRAP 15 ME Kettlebell Swings Starting with 0:00, every 90secs perform 1 round of Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats) HAPPY...